Ethnicity Gender, Age,
IQ, & Residence
An Ethnic Profile of Texas Prison Inmates and All Texans, 1975 and 2002
long description of pies

Click on the links below to toggle between charts and see various comparisons.

Prison Population, 1975
Texas Population, 1975
Prison Population 2002
Texas Population, 2002

Prison Population, 1975
Texas Population, 1975
Prison Population 2002
Texas Population, 2002

These pie charts compare the state's ethnic makeup with the ethnic profile of Texas prison inmates. Compared with the state's population, minorities were overrepresented in Texas prisons in 1975 and they continue to be overrepresented today. However, patterns of overrepresentation have changed over time with the shifting ethnic makeup and the tremendous population growth both in Texas and in the Texas prison system. Please click on the links below to compare different charts.

Source: J. W. Lamare; Texas Department of Criminal Justice; Census Bureau. (full source)