Reasons for Not Voting: November 2000*
Category % of Texas Nonvoters % of U.S. Nonvoters
Too busy, conflicting work/school schedule 30.2% 22.0%
Illness or disability (own or family's) 13.4 15.6
Not interested, vote wouldn't make a difference 8.4 12.9
Out of town or away from home 9.3 10.8
Other 10.8 10.7
Didn't like candidates or campaign issues 6.4 8.1
Registration problems 5.9 7.2
Forgot to vote (or send in absentee ballot) 4.7 4.2
Inconvenient polling place, hours, or long lines 2.8 2.8
Transportation problems 1.7 2.5
Bad weather 2.4 0.7
Non-voting Citizens 45.9 40.5
long description of table
Source: 2000 Current Population Survey. (full source, footnote)