Joshua Blank, PhD

Joshua Blank, PhD is the research director of the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin. He has a bachelor's degree in political science from Boston University and a doctoral degree in government from the University of Texas at Austin. He has played a primary role in most of the major public statewide polls conducted in Texas since 2011.

Water Not Floating to Top With Texas Voters

March 14, 2013
Joshua Blank, PhD
Jim Henson, PhD

Despite water’s saturation of the political priority list, the public still appears ambivalent about Texas’ water needs and out of step with state legislators on how to pay for it, according to the latest UT/Texas Tribune Poll.

California's Conservative Migration

March 11, 2013
Joshua Blank, PhD

The wave of migrants coming from California are coming for the economy, and it is not safe to assume this is a pack of West Coast liberals who want to change Texas politics.

UT/TT Poll Changes With Evolving Environment

March 8, 2013
Joshua Blank, PhD
Jim Henson, PhD
Daron Shaw

By increasing our sample size and providing more analyses of the data in our blog, we hope to provide interested parties with what they seek: in-depth coverage of the actors and issues that are driving important parts of the political process in the state. 

Handle Perry-Abbott Race With Care

March 8, 2013
Joshua Blank, PhD
Jim Henson, PhD

There is less to those Rick Perry-Greg Abbott horserace numbers than you might think. It's early, for one thing, and campaigns and voter attitudes change things dramatically. Plus, the two might never face off on a ballot.

Behind a Perry-Abbott Matchup

March 4, 2013
Joshua Blank, PhD
Jim Henson, PhD

A hypothetical head-to-head matchup between Gov. Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott might be better understood by looking beyond the horse-race polling results in the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll.

Refining the UT/TT Poll

March 4, 2013
Joshua Blank, PhD
Jim Henson, PhD
Daron Shaw

The latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll has a bigger sample size than its predecessors — the better to see what various subgroups of Texans are thinking about politics and policy in the state.

Playing the Numbers on Gaming in Texas

March 1, 2013
Joshua Blank, PhD
Jim Henson, PhD

It's not so much what Texans think about gaming in Texas — they're generally for it — but about how strongly they feel. And the people who don't want expanded gaming feel more strongly than proponents.

Race and Change in Voter ID Support

February 27, 2013
Joshua Blank, PhD

Attorney General Greg Abbott's office has argued that Texans of all races strongly support voter ID. While this was true as recently as early 2011, the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll shows that there has been a sea change. 

Obama's Job Approval in Texas

February 12, 2013
Joshua Blank, PhD

Heading into President Obama’s fifth State of the Union address on Tuesday evening, we thought it would be worth rehashing his approval numbers here in Texas. 

Cruz Beats Drum on Immigration

February 6, 2013
Jim Henson, PhD
Joshua Blank, PhD

If Ted Cruz seems to be marching out of step with GOP leaders attempting to lower the volume on the party’s immigration rhetoric, results from the last UT/Texas Tribune poll suggest the drumbeat he's listening to is the one being played by his voters.


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