Texas Primary Filing Requirements for Democratic and Republican Party Nominees
Democratic or Republican Party Nominee
Public Office Sought in 2004 File App. with Party Chair Filing Fee Nominating Petition in Lieu of Filing Fee
  State County   %
Maximum Number of Signatures
President2 - $5,000 - 5,000/
United States Senator - $5,000 - 5,000
United States Representative x3 - $3,125 2% 500
Statewide Elected Offices, except US Senator4, 5 - $3,750 - 5,000
State Senator x3 - $1,250 2% 500
State Representative x3 -   $750 2% 500
State Board of Education x3 -   $300 2% 500
Court of Appeals6 x3 - $2,500/
2% 500
District or Criminal District Judge6 x3 - $2,500/
2% 500
Statutory County Judge - x $2,500/
2% 500
District Attorney x3 - $1,250 2% 500
County Attorney - x $1,250/
2% 500
Constitutional County Judge - x $1,250/
750 10
2% 500
County-level Elected Offices 11 - x $1,250/
2% 500
Other County Offices - x $750 2% 500
Constable - x $1,000/
2% 500
Constable, Justice of the Peace6 - x $1,000/
2% 500
Public Weigher, County Surveyor,
Inspector of Hides and Animals
- x $75 2% 500
Source: Texas Election Code Section 172.022 172.024 172.025
long description of table
Source: Texas Secretary of State; Texas Election Code; Texas Democratic and Republican parties.
(full source, footnotes 1-11)