Full Source: Dashes indicate no data available. Data are from the
Metropolitan Applied Research Center, Inc. and Voter Regional Council,
Inc., National Roster of Black Elected Officials, 1970. Joint Center
for Political Studies, National Roster of Black Elected Officials, 1980
and 1998. Data for 1974-1994 was reprinted in Dye, Thomas R. Politics in
America, 4th ed. Texas Edition with L. Tucker Gibson, Jr. and Clay
Robison. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. p.768. 2000
figures are from the Joint Center for Political Studies databank of
black elected officials accessed on 20 July 2004 at
http://www.jointcenter.org/DB/detail/BEO.htm. The total number of Texas
elected officials is from the 1977, 1987, and 1992 editions of the
Bureau of the Census. Census of Governments. Vol. 1 Government
Organization, No. 2 Popularly Elected Officials. Table 2.