Job approval data from Speaker Phelan’s first term + historical Speaker approval ratings from the Texas Politics Project data archive

While gathering some polling data for revisions I’m making to lecture notes for intro to Texas politics and government courses, I belatedly noticed that we have an unusual amount of job approval ratings for the new Speaker of the House as a result of the increased number of polls we’ve conducted so far this year. 

Not surprisingly, the ratings of the first-term speaker have been fairly stable over the session. For those watching the legislative session, it’s been a sometimes volatile and largely unpredictable ride, and one of the secondary themes has been the politics of the ongoing solidification of Phelan’s position. But Phelan, like Dennis Bonnen and even Joe Straus before him (at least for the first few years of his speakership), is a blank slate at best to most Texas voters: about 60% consistently have no view of him.  Among those who have an opinion about him, the expected partisan and ideological patterns are in evidence so far. Among Republicans who express a view, about 80% approve. Among the same category of presumably more attentive Republicans, Bonnen’s approval was in the ballpark, about 75%, in June 2020.

I’ve included graphics below of the findings about Phelan. For comparison, I’ve also included some snapshots of Bonnen’s ratings, including an item we asked about awareness of the former Speaker's diffiulties after the 2019 session. And for the most dedicated, trend data from the last few years of Joe Straus’ approval ratings.

Dade Phelan

April 2021

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Approve strongly6%
Approve somewhat14%
Neither approve nor disapprove26%
Disapprove somewhat8%
Disapprove strongly14%
Don't know31%

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Approve strongly2%1%11%
Approve somewhat4%16%22%
Neither approve nor disapprove18%31%31%
Disapprove somewhat12%7%5%
Disapprove strongly29%13%3%
Don't know35%32%27%

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CategoryLean conservativeSomewhat conservativeExtremely conservative
Approve strongly4%11%15%
Approve somewhat14%27%23%
Neither approve nor disapprove44%30%30%
Disapprove somewhat7%4%7%
Disapprove strongly8%3%2%
Don't know24%25%23%

March 2021

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Approve strongly6%
Approve somewhat13%
Neither approve nor disapprove29%
Disapprove somewhat8%
Disapprove strongly13%
Don't know31%

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Approve strongly4%2%9%
Approve somewhat6%9%20%
Neither approve nor disapprove21%34%35%
Disapprove somewhat11%10%5%
Disapprove strongly25%14%2%
Don't know33%32%28%

Loading chart...
CategoryLean conservativeSomewhat conservativeExtremely conservative
Approve strongly7%6%16%
Approve somewhat21%24%21%
Neither approve nor disapprove34%36%27%
Disapprove somewhat5%2%7%
Disapprove strongly7%2%5%
Don't know25%31%24%

February 2021

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Approve strongly7%
Approve somewhat15%
Neither approve nor disapprove30%
Disapprove somewhat6%
Disapprove strongly12%
Don't know30%

Loading chart...
Approve strongly3%4%11%
Approve somewhat7%8%23%
Neither approve nor disapprove26%35%33%
Disapprove somewhat8%7%4%
Disapprove strongly24%9%2%
Don't know32%39%26%

Loading chart...
CategoryLean conservativeSomewhat conservativeExtremely conservative
Approve strongly6%12%12%
Approve somewhat17%31%22%
Neither approve nor disapprove37%26%38%
Disapprove somewhat4%5%2%
Disapprove strongly3%1%1%
Don't know33%25%25%


Dennis Bonnen

June 2020

Loading chart...
Approve strongly6%
Approve somewhat17%
Neither approve nor disapprove25%
Disapprove somewhat10%
Disapprove strongly16%
Don't know26%

Loading chart...
Approve strongly1%3%10%
Approve somewhat6%15%27%
Neither approve nor disapprove16%32%31%
Disapprove somewhat16%9%5%
Disapprove strongly28%13%7%
Don't know33%28%20%

Loading chart...
CategoryLean conservativeSomewhat conservativeExtremely conservative
Approve strongly6%8%14%
Approve somewhat30%30%28%
Neither approve nor disapprove32%34%28%
Disapprove somewhat2%6%6%
Disapprove strongly5%4%5%
Don't know24%19%19%

February 2019

Loading chart...
Approve strongly8%
Approve somewhat18%
Neither approve nor disapprove31%
Disapprove somewhat6%
Disapprove strongly10%
Don't know28%

Loading chart...
Approve strongly2%0%14%
Approve somewhat8%23%26%
Neither approve nor disapprove28%36%32%
Disapprove somewhat9%3%3%
Disapprove strongly19%8%1%
Don't know33%30%24%

Loading chart...
categoryLeaning conservativeSomewhat conservativeExtremely conservative
Approve strongly6%17%15%
Approve somewhat25%29%28%
Neither approve nor disapprove30%31%28%
Disapprove somewhat4%3%4%
Disapprove strongly3%1%1%
Don't know33%19%24%

Awareness of Bonnen political troubles  

("How much have you heard about the controversy over a June 2019 meeting between the Speaker of the Texas House and the head of a political action committee?")

(October 2019)

Loading chart...
A lot12%
A little18%
Nothing at all50%

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A lot14%9%13%
A little17%18%19%
Nothing at all50%63%48%

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categoryLeaning conservativeSomewhat conservativeExtremely conservative
A lot5%15%19%
A little20%16%15%
Nothing at all52%45%49%


Joe Straus

Loading chart...
ApproveDisapproveNeither/Don't Know
November 201520%22%57%
February 201620%20%60%
June 201619%24%56%
October 201621%23%56%
February 201723%23%53%
June 201725%29%46%
October 201723%27%49%

Loading chart...
ApproveDisapproveNeither/Don't know
November 201531%11%58%
February 201630%14%57%
June 201630%13%56%
October 201630%11%59%
February 201736%12%52%
June 201737%18%46%
October 201731%21%47%

Loading chart...
ApproveDisapproveNeither/Don't know
November 201510%35%56%
February 201613%27%60%
June 201612%37%51%
October 201611%35%53%
February 201712%35%52%
June 201715%39%46%
October 201718%34%48%

Loading chart...
ApproveDisapproveNeither/Don't know
November 201535%18%47%
February 201621%21%58%
June 201630%20%50%
October 201627%19%52%
February 201741%20%40%
June 201744%28%28%
October 201725%43%34%

(And why so much polling this year? We decided in collaboration with our partners at The Texas Tribune to do a mid-session poll in April this session, given the ongoing pandemic and then the February freeze and it’s fallout; and we were were fortunate to collaborate with colleagues the UT Energy Institute on a poll in March largely focused on early public reactions to the freeze and its impact, but which also included some of our standard assessments of political leaders and conditions in the state.)