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Job Approval of Governor Rick Perry (October 2008 to October 2014)
More Results displayed in this table are for registered voters only. The sample size varies somewhat for each poll. October 2008: n=533 (MOE = +/- 4.24) February 2009: n=714 (MOE = +/- 3.67) June 2009: n=790 (MOE = +/- 3.49) October 2009: n=798 (MOE = +/- 3.47) February 2010: n=796 (MOE = +/- 3.47) May 2010: n=800 (MOE = +/- 3.46) September 2010: n=798 (MOE = +/- 3.47) October 2010: n=798 (MOE = +/- 3.48) February 2011: n=799 (MOE = +/- 3.47) May 2011: n=800 (MOE = +/- 3.46) October 2011: n=800 (MOE = +/- 3.46) February 2012: n=800 (MOE = +/- 3.46) May 2012: n=800 (MOE = +/- 3.46) October 2012: n=800 (MOE=+/-3.46) February 2013: n=1200 (MOE=+/-2.83) June 2013: n=1200 (MOE=+/-2.83) October 2013: n=1200 (MOE = +/-2.83) February 2014: n=1200 (MOE=+/-2.83) June 2014: n=1200 (MOE=+/-2.83) October 2014: n=1200 (MOE = +/-2.83) Question wording has been consistent, and as follows: "Overall, how strongly do you approve or disapprove of the way Rick Perry has been handling his job as governor?" Approve strongly Approve somewhat Neither approve nor disapprove Disapprove somewhat Disapprove strongly Don't know

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