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The Texas Politics Webtext


In order to continue developing the best possible resource to support student learning, the Basic Edition of Texas Politics was phased out in Spring 2017. The Course Version of Texas Politics will continue to be updated by the Texas Politics Project and published by Soomo Learning. 

We believe that the platform and pedagogy offered by Soomo Learning in its Course Version best serves students and their instructors who are using the webtext in classrooms and online courses. Both Soomo Learning and the Texas Politics Project are committed to keeping the cost of the webtext low. Charging a modest price for the webtext ensures that it will continue to be updated on a regular basis and aligned with the Texas Government Learning Objectives and Core Competencies established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

The Texas Politics Project looks forward to continuing our efforts to provide resources for students, teachers, and anyone interested in politics and government in the Lone Star State. We will continue to produce high-quality polling and furnish the data, results, data visualizations, and all accompanying materials as publicly available resources. Thousands of graphics for use in teaching, writing, and presentations will continue to be publicly available in the polling section of the Texas Politics Project website. We will also continue to host public events, making the resulting video resources available free of charge, and continue to operate our internship bulletin board, promoting internships and positions for students across Texas.

Please contact us with questions about our initiatives and the transition to the Course Version of the Texas Politics webtext at texaspolitics@mail.laits.utexas.edu. Technical questions about the special transition offers from Soomo and webtext set-up with your institution's CMS should be directed to texaspoliticsdesk@soomolearning.com

Look out for election updates to the 10th Edition of the Texas Politics Webtext for the Spring semester January 2023!