Texas Politics Project Graduate Student Research Grants

The Texas Politics Project is offering grants to graduate students in the Department of Government at UT-Austin for use on expenses directly related to research. 

The most successful applications will have specific, thoughtful research plans including specified expenditures on research materials or activities directly related to dissertation research, or other planned work products that advance the applicant’s research and professional development (e.g. journal articles or conference papers). Typical awards will be in the range of $1,500-2,500, though awards for smaller and larger amounts will be considered. Applications for Texas-related research will receive priority, but all subject matter will be considered on the assumption that Texas-related proposals will be relatively rare. Students in all subfields are encouraged to apply.

The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, February 5, 2024 at 11:59 pm. Submit your application using this form.

For questions about applications, contact Jim Henson or Zeynep Somer-Topcu.