Post Date: December 2009

Ronnie Earle Runs for Lieutenant Governor

| By: James Henson, PhD

The only thing definitively in the weeds here is the reliability of this poll.


Kay Bailey Hutchison Doing Poorly in Lubbock Poll

| By: James Henson, PhD

Not many local polls have been made public, but this one confirms the rumor mill: One, Rick Perry’s lead in conservative areas of the state is a few points above what the UT/Trib poll found statewide. And, two, the impression that, as of now, the Kay Bailey Hutchison campaign is floundering if it's really trying to peel conservative voters away from Perry in significant numbers.


Health Care Reform Divideds Texans in Poll

| By: James Henson, PhD and Adam Myers

In the health care debate, universal coverage has significant if not overwhelming support, but is also marked by pronounced partisan differences, and Texans appeared truly split down the middle on the “public option.”


Keywords: Healthcare