Keyword: Abortion

Abbott may benefit from turn away from issues

| By: Joshua Blank, PhD and Jim Henson, PhD

Greg Abbott has always been more comfortable making this campaign about Wendy Davis than about the issues that Davis wants to discuss. The timing of Davis’ book release may have inadvertently helped him do just that.


Abortion Attitudes in Texas and the 2014 Governor's Race

| By: Joshua Blank, PhD

In the June 2014 University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll, we asked registered voters under what circumstances a woman should be able to obtain an abortion.


The Sound of Silence on Abortion

| By: Jim Henson, PhD and Joshua Blank, PhD

Both Wendy Davis and Greg Abbott have been reluctant to make abortion a major campaign issue, but as polling shows, Abbott's hesitance likely benefits him more than Davis' benefits her.


Can Lt. Gov. Candidates Go Too Far on Abortion?

| By: Jim Henson, PhD and Joshua Blank, PhD

The Republican lieutenant governor candidates' views on abortion after rape, displayed prominently in Monday night’s debate, may have edged farther right than the Texas GOP’s comfort zone.


How Abortion Could Shape a 2014 Abbott-Davis Contest

| By: Jim Henson, PhD and Joshua Blank, PhD

The return of abortion bills during the special sessions presents opportunities for both Greg Abbott and Wendy Davis to consolidate support and financial backers. But the choices they make could result in a potentially complicated general election dynamic.


The Morning After for Texas Democrats

| By: Joshua Blank, PhD and Jim Henson, PhD

A look at electoral returns and public opinion data helps explain why Democratic exuberance in the days after the Wendy Davis filibuster has been replaced with more measured analyses.


How Public Opinion Fueled the Senate's Abortion Fight

| By: Joshua Blank, PhD and Jim Henson, PhD

While much attention has been paid to the political conflict on the floor of the Texas Senate last week, the subtleties of public opinion on abortion in Texas framed the clash in the upper chamber.


Planned Parenthood and Women's Health

| By: Joshua Blank, PhD and Jim Henson, PhD

The marginalization of Planned Parenthood probably makes the discussion of women’s health care less contentious — among Republicans, anyway.


Keywords: Abortion
